For the most attentive and for those who have been following my posts for a long time, You will remember that I have already discussed the topic of losing weight in terms of time. To sum it up: the quality of…
For the most attentive and for those who have been following my posts for a long time, You will remember that I have already discussed the topic of losing weight in terms of time. To sum it up: the quality of…
HOW TO INCREASE TRAINING VOLUME THE RIGHT WAY? I remember that the VOLUME (for simplification: the total amount of sets x kg lifted that you perform during the week)…
FIRST I WANT TO LOSE A FEW KILO, THEN I WILL START TRAINING! What worse way to limit your improvement while losing weight. Many people (and I'm sorry girl, most belong…
THE MOMENT WHEN YOUR BODY ASKS YOU TO SLOW DOWN, LISTEN TO IT! Mind and body are naturally interconnected and when one of them isn't well you can't pretend…
TRAININGS & ONLINE SUPPLY The typical scenario we are facing through the spread of excessive social use is precisely that of COPY/PASTE. Open Instagram and see your INFLUENCERS…
CELLULITE AND NATURAL REMEDIES I think there are more articles on cellulite than on any other topic and I realize that false trends continue to persist. Remove the salt. Drink…
Don't you dare do it! Don't let the thought that you won't be able to be what you imagine in your mind get you down because there are limitations that you will never be able to overcome.. Each of…
TRAINING IN THE GYM DOES NOT MEAN WORKING IN THE CORRECT WAY! I know people who go to the gym every day too, but if this were a sufficient reason to be able to have a…
IT IS OK TO TRAIN THE SAME DISTRICTS ON CONSECUTIVE DAYS? I'll start by saying that good general rules are fine in theory, particularly on newbies and I'm sure…
EAT TOO MUCH FOR ONE DAY: how to proceed? You give up all the work you've been doing so well for days because for once you've fallen prey to a hunger pang…