Don't you dare do it! Don't let the thought that you won't be able to be what you imagine in your mind get you down because there are limitations that you will never be able to overcome.. Each of…
Don't you dare do it! Don't let the thought that you won't be able to be what you imagine in your mind get you down because there are limitations that you will never be able to overcome.. Each of…
TRAINING IN THE GYM DOES NOT MEAN WORKING IN THE CORRECT WAY! I know people who go to the gym every day too, but if this were a sufficient reason to be able to have a…
IT IS OK TO TRAIN THE SAME DISTRICTS ON CONSECUTIVE DAYS? I'll start by saying that good general rules are fine in theory, particularly on newbies and I'm sure…
EAT TOO MUCH FOR ONE DAY: how to proceed? You give up all the work you've been doing so well for days because for once you've fallen prey to a hunger pang…
MUSCLE BUILDING AND UNDERNUTRITION It happens perhaps less often among the female public, ma come coach, I have also had a few cases of clients who didn't have to lose fat and wanted to…
They have told you and reiterated several times that you are a woman and therefore you have to train differently from men, because you only want to TONE, not become BIG and masculine,…
I want to bring you my personal experience of the last few months regarding my food management. It was a very stressful period both mentally and physically, a lot of work, many…
Ecco un’altra delle domande più gettonate che leggo spesso sui social nei gruppi fitness: “Opinioni sul cardio a digiuno?” A parte il fatto che non sono una grande sostenitrice del…
It happens especially during the phases of a low-calorie diet (and therefore of definition) of not being able to see ourselves in the mirror objectively. Not being objective with yourself is…
Mi capita sempre più spesso di parlare con possibili clienti, dando loro una prima consulenza scontata al fine di capire gli obiettivi e quali sono i maggiori deficit. Se…