ABDOMINALS AND CORE are not the same thing.
The term core refers to that muscle district that is located in the center of our body and ALSO includes the abdominals.
The core is involved in every posture and every movement. It acts in statics and dynamics not only when we move our body but also when only the limbs move, both superior and inferior.
It is composed of:
Quadrate of the loins, ileo psoas, rectus femoris, adductor longus, adductor brevis, pectineo, rectus abdominis, oblique, gluteus, piriform, hamstrings.
This group of muscles is essential for the stability and movement of our body.
When you perform exercises of all kinds for both the upper and lower limbs,especially more complex exercises like squats, you sink, disconnect, BHT e military press, know that the correct execution of the exercise is totally dependent on the stability of your core.
They all train the abdomen with an aesthetic purpose, but the SIX PACK IS MADE FIRST OF ALL AT THE TABLE.
I know, the truth sometimes hurts, but unless you have a body fat percentage equal to or lower than 16% circa, I'm sorry to tell you but killing yourself with abs will do you little good!

Core training is essential for injury prevention. Reinforcement is not enough, it is necessary to sensitize it from a proprioceptive point of view, must be trained functionally, therefore contain a combination of strength, flexibility and control.
So if you want to improve your performance in the weight room, If you don't have back pain or anything like that, you can't fail to know the importance of the core.
Exercises like the plank in all its forms are a great way to start training it correctly.
Know that using the belt in certain exercises limits core training and is absolutely useless unless you lift unbearable weights.
In the end, always carry out a portion of free-load exercises in your programming. Don't focus exclusively on machines, with free weights you have the possibility of training balance and strengthening this area without having to spend additional specific volume on it.
Balanced and tailored programming makes all the difference in the world on the result you can get in relation to your commitment!
Discover the routes I propose from here: https://www.claudiamonteleone.com/listino-prezzi/
Claudia MonteleoneFitness Coach