You know what is the usual TREND of most people who seek aesthetic change?


We are so used to the thought of having everything right away, that everything that does not follow this possibility is immediately abandoned.

Likewise everything that requires sacrifice and commitment, especially if there is the need to face physical effort, is duly avoided. And we prefer to look for the alternative method where the greatest effort consists in extracting the CASH.

Yup, many times I don't think it's an economic question, you simply don't want to work hard to improve your physical appearance. Probably because you still believe there might be an easier way that you would still be willing to spend a fortune on.

Believe me, if something so miraculous and without side effects really existed, I would be the first to sponsor it, but the fact of seeing celebrities full of money with overweight and cellulite, it doesn't set off alarm bells in your head?

Unfortunately or fortunately, money still doesn't have the power to make you have everything right away.

Building an impressive physique takes TIME.

It requires sacrifice and it requires commitment.

It requires that you be willing to count what you eat, everyday, if you want to have full control of your actions.

If you are not capable of it, it requires you to learn how to do it.

Your goal requires YOU, with body, mind and soul!

If you are ready to be guided or want to find out what we can do on a journey together, write to me at .


Claudia Monteleone

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