Raise your hand: those who perform a good warm-up before leaving with serious training in each session?

I am sure that a good number of those who frequent the weight room skip this important procedure.

Performing a good warm-up is ESSENTIAL and cannot for any reason be underestimated and neglected.

First of all, because it warms up the joints, tendons and muscles before undergoing a heavy effort allows us to avoid unpleasant injuries during the workout and secondly, hot districts and loose joints are the first step to obtain a high quality performance.

What does this mean?

Which allows you to work to your full potential by giving the 100%!

Now specifically I'm going to talk to you about warming up in bodybuilding, as every physical activity and every sport has its own specific warm-up phase aimed at making the athlete perform in the best and safest way possible.

First of all, a self-respecting pre-workout warm-up should always include a dynamic stretching phase, aimed at warming the joints and muscles of the whole body in order to improve flexibility and mobility.

– On Youtube you will find various proposals for dynamic stretching exercises

– If you start a coaching course with me, of course I will directly provide you with the tutorials of the exercises to be performed based on the training of each day.

Thereafter, the warm-up should become more specific, directly affecting the district / s that we are going to train, thus using a low intensity up to approaching the load intensity used in the actual training.

There are different types of specific warm-up that also affect muscle activation in order to perceive and train the mind-muscle connection to be maintained throughout the workout.

This can be done by using exercises with which you have a particular affinity by doing them ideally 2 types for two sets of high repetitions (12-16) with short recoveries (30sec).

After this step, you can start introducing the first exercise on the board by going to perform 1-2 approach to weight series that you will use in the actual execution, warming up the motor gesture.

At this point, you are ready to start your workout!

Caution! The purpose is not to exhaust the muscles and the cardio-respiratory system, therefore, dose the intensity well to avoid leaving with the card already tired and sore.

Ultimately they are enough 10 min of this routine in order to perform a correct warm-up preparing the body for the effort that will follow, in the best possible way.

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Claudia Monteleone
✨Fitness Coach✨

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